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Monday 29 April 2013

29th of April (119th Song)

Spaghetti Dwell

I'm having millions of problems lately, the last one is related with my software, I just can't run my drums banks and when I could run the 60's Abbey Road ones I saved it and when I loaded it again it just disappear, so I recorded a song with it's drums that suggested me a bass line and two guitars, but as the drums aren't able to load I just skipped the bass and you have only two guitars and I shortened it because sounds boring this two guitars, it sounds like a cheeky western though.
Thoughts: Even just 2 guitars were difficult to mix for me, don't know what I really need to make it sound cooler, I tried a reverb but it doesn't work, the eq is the best that I could get and the compressor doesn't seem to make too much, anyway I like the feeling of this song. 

Enjoy it!

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