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Wednesday 20 November 2013

23rd of October - In Your Face (296th Song)

I have rock mood today and I had some ideas. But sometimes things doesn't go as you expected.

Thoughts: When I started to do the song I had a cool idea, with voice and great sounds in my mind. I couldn't make noise much noise today, so I recorded the drums editing the notes, not playing. Then I recorded the bass and did that cool riff on it expecting the best results as soon I recorded the guitars. The guitar that I was imaging crunchy but not distorted, I grabbed my old guitar, the one that I started playing with, it's black and looks heavy metal, sounds a little dark and the bridge pickup wasn't working so even more dark. And that's not all the dark it could be! I put fat strings to make it sound C instead of E. So I had a dark guitar to play bright crunchy stuff, this couldn't work, plus my job with the amp simulator today has been crap, I didn't get anything that I liked and everything sounds so weak. The worse think is that I don't know exactly what's making it to sound so weak, what's that factor that changes everything? I guess I'll know over the years. Anyway, I like the guitars on the bridge, they're 3 and I love all of them. The harmonics one is gorgeous, the distorted Meshuggah style (althought it's not well played) gives it a very nice vibe, and the other one playing 8th notes is just amazing that I already can play that. So happy

The last bad news are that I couldn't record voice for it, I couldn't sing and to be honest I don't know what to write with this music, I'm not in a literary mood. 

Enjoy it!

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