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Sunday 8 September 2013

8th of September - A Slow One (251st Song)

I'm in love! And the best way to express it is with a cheesy song. 

Thought: I've was playing guitar today and I was trying to create a good and cheesy sequence of chords. I really worked hard on it, and I love what I chose. The harmony is cool and the tensions too. I'm proud of that today. After I recorded a bass line with the guitar that I like just some parts, other are to obvious and very inexpressive. It sounded very like lounge music and I wanted a vibraphone to solo on it, I just found a glockenspiel which is not so cool. I improvised the solo and I edited some wrong notes. I didn't feel like practicing a solo or feeling comfortable in a scale, besides it's changing a lot the tonality. And the cherry on top was a drum pattern played with brushes, an electronic one as I lost my brushes long time ago. This song is dedicated to all the lovers

Enjoy it!

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