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Thursday 5 December 2013

24th of November - Frenzy Randomizer (328th Song)

Reaktor session today. Since I learned how to use randomizer I wanted to use it to create an specific scenario. The wind blows the windchimes while the water is boiling in the pressure cooker more and more until the despressurization device whistles.

Thoughts: I just can't believe I were able to do this using reaktor, my skills are few but I had a clear idea here and I did it very well. In the last lesson I learned how to create windchimes, you could hear it in the song of the 19th of November called Randomizer, I just improved the sound today. Then I just experimented and get a wind sound, here's when the idea snapped! I though what can I try to imitate that uses random patterns? The bubbles was a good one, I thought probably I could get something similar using and envelope or a LFO linked to a LPF or something like that, I did it with an LFO finally and it worked! I synchronized the LFO to start always in the same point and it really worked. I'm very proud of my bubbles. To finish I used a random signal to manipulate a noise oscillator and also worked, good hunch!

Enjoy it!

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